Sunday, March 3, 2013

Motives of Serial Killers

The motives of serial killers are generally placed into four categories: "visionary", "mission-oriented", "hedonistic" and "power/control".  There can be overlap among these categories.

This type of serial killer suffer both psychotic breaks with reality, sometimes believing they are another person or are compelled to murder by things such as the devil or cancel.  The two most common subgroups are "demon mandated" and "God mandated."  David Berkowitz is an example of a demon-mandated visionary killer.  He claimed his neighbor's dog told him to murder.


These killers justify their acts on the basis that they are getting rid of a certain type of person whom they find undesirable; such as blacks, Catholics, prostitutes, or homosexuals.  Ted Kaczynski is an example of this type.


This type of serial killer seeks thrills and derives pleasure from killing.  They see people as objects for their pleasure. There are three subtypes of the hedonistic killer: "lust", "thrill", and "comfort".


Sex is the primary motive of lust killers, whether or not the victims are dead, and fantasy plays a large role in their murders.  Their sexual gratification depends on the amount of torture and mutilation they perform on their victims.  As lust killers continue with their murders, the time between killings decreases or the level of stimulation increases or sometimes both.  The Hillside Stranglers and Jeffery Dahmer were this type of killer.


The primary motive of a thrill killer is to induce pain or create terror in their victims.  They seek the adrenaline rush provided by hunting and killing victims.  These killers kill only for the kill itself.  Robert Hansen and the DC Snipers were this type of killer.


Material gain and a comfortable lifestyle are the primary motives of these killers. Dorothea Puente is an example of this type of killer.


This type of killers main objective for killing is to gain and exert power over their victims. Ted Bundy is an example of this type of killer.

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